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    Haibeck Automotive Technology



Welcome to Haibeck Automotive Technology

The ZR-1 Specialist

The 660 HP 415. Details

This engine ran 185.3 mph in the standing mile at the Sandhills Open Road Challenge. The event was run in Arnold Nebraska, elevation 2,700 feet.

Our 744 HP LS9 for the C6 ZR1

For LS9 details click here and go to the bottom of the page.

We have completed Dave McLellan's upgrade project. Click here for details.


Upgrades, upgrade packages and our manufactured parts.


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Technical information from ZR-1 publications.


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About Us

Purchase AMSOIL

"I have owned many performance cars over the years, and this car is by far the one that has captured the reason why I have loved cars my entire life." --ZR-1 owner Keith Crandall in Washington state.-- 

"He fell asleep with his head against the window. An honest man's pillow is his peace of mind." Minutes to Memories - John Mellencamp

A defective ZR-1 ECM. Any model year. $200.
Contact Information
Telephone and FAX
Shipping Address
430D West Kay Avenue Unit D, Addison, Illinois, 60101-4934  USA
When shipping to us via FedEx or UPS; we open at 10:30 am. Select a shipping class that is delivered after 10:30 am. Or use the, "signature not required option". Otherwise the package will not be delivered if it arrives before we open.
Electronic Mail
To make a purchase with a credit card, call 630-458-8427 during business hours.
We are on Central Standard Time. Also known as Chicago time and UTC/GMT -06:00.
Haibeck Automotive Technology BBB Business Review

 Updated 26-February-25