ZR-1 ZR-1 ZR-1 ZR-1 ZR-1 ZR-1 ZR-1 Haibeck Automotive Technology
Reproduction Engine Coolant Hoses
The six front coolant hoses are available.
These hoses are exact reproductions of the hoses that were installed at the factory. They are made with modern ECR rubber polymer material.
- The 90 degree bends for the crossover manifold are $32 each. The engine uses two each.
- The radiator upper hose is $75.
- The bypass hose is $39.
- The water pump hose is $59. A stainless steel inner support spring is included.
- The radiator lower hose is $19.
The total cost for all six of the hoses is $257.
To purchase, refer to the bottom of our Home Page by clicking Here.
Optional original looking lettering is available. Contact us for the price.
About LT5 hose clamps. The '90 engines up to about VIN 600 were assembled with worm gear clamps. After that spring clamps were cut into production. I like the spring clamps because they never need maintenance. Check the tightness of the worm gear clamps every two years. Contact us for more information about spring hose clamps.